Tuesday, May 3, 2016

John Cougar Mellencamp Covers the Stooges/The Great American Songbook Part 1

So when somebody decides to release another cover record of the “Great American Songbook” we all know its fraudulent nature from the get go when the likes of this Pop/Williamson composition is not in there. A nausea inducing cover to those partial to the Gulcher/Gizmos/MX-80 crew Weltanschauung, to me it sounds like JCM's very Jobriath-y influenced interpretation. Did Mainman still have some interest in the publishing rights to have JCM record this? Weary of the waltz and mashed potato schmaltz? Look no further! At last someone has made this recording easy to share so I don’t have to tear up the barn looking for it. Recorded in 1975 (!!), lp released in 1976, only to appear as a 1998 CD bonus track: